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Dear Daisy, It is your first day at school...

Introducing Daisy...

Well usually I spend my Sundays writing my weekly pregnancy update for you all and last week I remember clearly wondering how many more I would get to post. 

Last weekend was Easter weekend and we had a lovely time with family and friends having a BBQ, Sunday lunch, Easter egg hunt etc. On Easter Monday we spent the day wandering around some local garden centres as it was a nice day and although I enjoyed it it's safe to say I didn't feel myself entirely. 

I'd felt nauseous for a few days and was panicking that morning sickness was returning for the last few weeks. Along with an increase in pains in my tummy and pressure below, I just didn't feel right. Well... I went to bed that night and GUSH!!!!! Pop went my waters!!! 

I won't go into detail on the arrival of our little lady but she is now here. I probably will sometime very soon though. 

Meet our little Daisy...

It was a bit of a surprise to be meeting her so early and for her to be a tiny 5 pounds 12 ounces! She is beautiful, although her journey here wasn't the easiest it was worth every second to finally have her here for cuddles. 

Lots of love,
Hayley xxx


  1. And she's absolutely beautiful! So happy for you and Ben, you're going to be amazing parents xxxx

    1. Thank you, I hope so! It's getting some getting used to! Xx

  2. Awwwwwww she's gorgeous! Congratulations x

  3. Thank you xx I think so but I am biased! :)

  4. Many congratulations to you all! Hope you are all well. She is lovely! xo

  5. Just perfect! Adore her name.

  6. Ooh hello Daisy, she's such a pretty little thing! I can't wait to see lots more pictures of her, especially in lots of cute little girly outfits!

    Congratulations lovely, she's amazing! xxx

    1. Thank you! It's still not sunk in that she is here to be honest! And it was a week, this hour that she was born! Frightening! Xz

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