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Dear Daisy, It is your first day at school...

The Lucky fin project

Whilst on Facebook the one day I came across the group The Lucky fin project, one of my friends who I met through my blog had liked a post on there. As you've probably guessed it's all in aid of people with limb deficiency's, and as the name suggests primarily arms and hands. 

I thought I would share this page with my readers as I know I have a few people who read this that are affected by it in some way or another. 

They share photos and videos on their Facebook of children with limb deficiencies doing amazing things and it is really inspirational to see, and can really brighten your day sometimes. It is strange really because you know there are others out their with limb deficiencies but it really isn't something you see often, so sometimes to see you aren't the only one really helps. 

Some of my friends and family have also joined the page, for exactly the same reasons I have. 

They actually are a charity and have their own website, the link is here. I absolutely love this sentence they have on the home page "If you've seen the movie "Finding Nemo" then you know all about Nemo's "lucky fin" and how being made a little differently doesn't stop him from accomplishing anything he sets out to do". And this is so true of Daisy in her first year. 

Daisy is a rascal. She climbs everything, she can shoot up the stairs in 5 seconds flat, she crawled without any issues, she eats well, she swims (as well as a 1 year old can!!) etc. I can't see anything getting in her way, and why would it?

Another chairty group I follow closely on Twitter etc is REACH. I have talked about them before on my blog, but just in case you missed it. 

Lots of love, 

Hayley xxx

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