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2017 Goals and Aspirations: Stop Being a Hermit!

A bit of a cliche I know but I thought I really should note down my years resolutions, or mind sets and goals as I prefer to call them. Resolutions feel a bit more forced and well they are there to be broken aren't they? 

My aspirations are more around my personal life than my blog but I do have some goals and direction to add on so I will add those to the second half anyway. My blog stepped up in 2016 and began to give returns so to change too much wouldn't be right but you may see a few little changes here and there. 



The last year has been a busy one with family life and although it has been fun and I have loved every second I didn't do much for me, I rarely spent time with friends or alone. Although I of course made those choices (subconsciously most of the time) and was happy with them I have come to realise I need that bit of time that isn't work to be someone other than Muma (I wouldn't change that by the way) for the odd few hours here and there. So that leads me on to:

Time out, stop being a hermit. I spend a lot of time at home and don't get me wrong in, I love being home with my family but 2017 should see me out socialising more. That applies ton both alone and with the children. Bring on the lattes and G&Ts! 

Clear house, clear mind. GET RID OF ALL OF THE CRAP! We have a lot of just "stuff". It creates mess to tidy and sometimes it can feel like we are just battling through the belongings, we have far too much stuff we just do not need. Try to lead a more minimalist life. With building work starting this year this will be more important than ever. 

Plan to plan. Make plans. Simple. Fill the diary with travel, breaks, coffee dates. Which means we see the world like we love to but are planned and organised, we see people and socialise. 


So as well as the above kind of applying too this category too I thought I would write down a few specific goals for 2017. Again this year my focus will be mainly around my blog rather than YouTube but I will keep dabbling and creating content as I just love looking back at the footage and I know friends and family enjoy seeing our updates too. 

At the back end of last year I made a few changes to the blog. I stepped closer to travel and photography and moved away slightly from the more parenting side of the blog. Although I still would categorise myself as a parenting blogger I wanted to focus on the parts I love and that is exactly what I have been doing. You will still reviews on here but they will be purely products I love or rate or am simply interested in. 

Get personal. You will see more personal posts, these are the ones I love to write and look back on. Especially the letters to the children. I lost this a little sometime last year and I think it was down to being busy with a new baby and a toddler but I I hope to get my mojo back soon. 

See the world. The world may be a bit optimistic but what I mean is get out there and share it with you. We love to travel and document it and our posts are really well taken and we had some great opportunities to work with some great brands last year so I hope to continue this.

Happy new year! 

1 comment

  1. Great list. I've become a bit of a hermit too - so easy just to let everything revolve around the kids, isn't it?
