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Dear Daisy, It is your first day at school...

#Lovelytummies with Palmers | Avoiding those dreaded stretch marks!

If you have been following my blog since the very start (almost 2 years ago, crazy huh?) then you will have seen in my previous pregnancy with Daisy I talked a lot about stretch marks and the fear of getting them, trying to avoid them and the rest of it!

Well, I am happy (but lightly coy) to say that I got away with it, weather it was due to the hardwork of greasing, rubbing, massaging, buttering and oiling my tummy or if it simply is genetics I am not sure, I am no mad scientist. But... This means I am not going to be doing anything less crazy this time around, I can't risk it!

The beach ball the day before I had Daisy at 37 weeks! 

I am at risk of sounding incredibly vain but we all want to avoid these things if we can, mainly for self confidence. I am feeling bigger this time around so who knows, maybe the tiger marked skin will hit me this time around.

I used Palmers in my last pregnancy and to be honest it is a staple brand on my dressing table all year around anyway, I love their cocoa butter especially for the summer and banishing away the dry, holiday skin that I am so lucky to get! I think it is just the smell that gets me every single time. it just has holidays written all over it! Some products actually smell good enough to eat!

I have got a nice little selection here now on my dressing table ready to pamper my over stretched (the worst is yet to come!) pregnant body, and that includes for me my expanding tummy, bulging boobs and sadly my problem area has always been my thighs. I was unfortunate enough to gain a few scars there from my teenage years but luckily they are silvered now and barely noticeable, although I know they are there!!

So, my favourite product that I am so pleased to be using again is the tummy butter, this stuff is so easy to apply. It feels quite solid but once you have a bit in your fingers it starts to melt and is so easily absorbed by your skin, it just vanishes, leaving you nice and smooth. I absolutely hate the feeling of being greasy and some oils etc I have used before do this to me, but this is fab!

The other product I have been trying out is the masage cream for stretch marks, this is something I didn't know existed last time around! This is in a simple tube, which I love. No messing around! On the instructions it says to use 3 times per days or as often as possible, I don't think even I will be able to manage this but I certainly have made sure it has a place in my morning routine.

The other product you can see in the shot is the massage lotion, now this has a super easy pump applicator, perfect for quick applications, and the consistency allows you to use it a and when without feeling the need to "air" yourself for a while to dry off!

I absolutely love these products and really do recommend, one bonus is that they are really affordable too. I have tried some products that are really overly priced, based on recommendations, and although they may have helped a little (who knows, I can't prove it?) I didn't feel they were any better than these. All I am really looking for this time around is natural ingredients such as cocoa butter, argan oil, sweet almond oil and centella asiatica which are all great for helping the skin to retain moisture and elasticity whilst obviously not bringing nay nasties to the table.

Are there any other products you personally recommend?

Lots of love,

Hayley xxx

*PR Samples but all reviews are my own

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