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Dear Daisy, It is your first day at school...

2 months update, what we have been up to...

Can you believe Daisy is 2 months old already?? I can't! 

She's still a tiddler and very much my tiny girl! She got weighed a week ago and was 8lb 8oz , moving in the right direction and even jumped up a line in her little red record book so she's no longer on the very bottom line. I'm sure you've noticed in her photos how much fuller she is, people often comment on her chubby cheeks and double chin! I'm sure she's thinking "look at your own fatso"! Cheeky girl.

I've now packed away all the tiny baby clothes and she's comfortably in her newborn wardrobe! I have dressed her in a few 0-3 month frocks though as they're too cute not to. I want to make the most of them even if she's some growing to do to fill them!! How cute is that little Matalan dress from one of her aunties? 

Sleeping is still going well at night and I'm enjoying the routine we put in place, it gives us quiet time before bed and I do love her bath time! In the day she often has full days awake, I do wonder how she does it!!! I struggle must days!

 These past two days she has a nasty cold :( it really upset me to see her so poorly and droopy looking. Thank god for our ear thermometer (Braun) as I've become slightly obsessive over ensuring she's cool enough. Also thankfully she's old enough for Calpol infant suspension now so yesterday when it peaked it helped and also gave her a bit of respite from nasty cold symptoms. 

She's spent lots of time with family including her cousin Mollie who is just 7 months old, a lovely gap! Daisy talks to her and Mols is certainly intrigued with Daisy, although her mum thinks she may think she is a dolly!! 

She smiles beautifully and really interacts with you now. Her latest trick is to imitate things such as sticking her tongue out, it's her favourite game to play with her daddy! She is cooing and gurgling now and really focusing on your face and voice. 

She now has the ability to grab things such as toys, muslins and my hair!!!! I'm on the hunt for suitable toys for her they she can hold while she's tiny and are safe to go near her mouth as that's where they end up near by! 

We've done our first messy play session when we made Bens Father's Day pressie. It was ummmm interesting and uhh messy! 

Hopefully this cold will clear up as Ben is off work this week and it would be nice to get out and about together, perhaps to one of the National Trust places on our to go to list or just some nice walks with Bob the dog in the sunshine. I've ordered a baby wrap, shame I didn't order it earlier for this week as I'm sure it would be useful. 

Any tips for a cold in such a little baby??

She is planned to have her jabs tomorrow, will they do them if she's unwell??

Lots of love,
Hayley xxx


  1. She is so so beautiful! xxx

  2. I'm not sure about the jab thing, they will probably do it anyway. I hope they go OK, I'm sure Daisy will be super brave (it's us mummies that are nervous wrecks). xx

    1. I'm not sure if I should rearrange them. It doesn't feel fair to be put them on her xx

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