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Dear Daisy, It is your first day at school...

Elasticizer... EMPTY

I don't often do empties posts, mainly because I just wang anything I finish right into the bin. And actually if I am completely honest I don't often finish many products, I get bored before I finish and simply throw in a drawer never to be seen again or give it away.

But this I have finished. I have no idea how! One minute it is full and I am trying to use as little as possible each time, because I love it so much then the next minute it is flipping empty!!! What the heck?! I only use it once a week, possibly two if my hair is feeling it needs it. It basically brings back the elasticity into your locks, making it feel healthier, more manageable and look sleek!

Anyway, I love this product, Philip Kinglsey Elasticizer. I did a full review on it last year and thought it really did deserve another mention on my blog. I have never found a hair product like it! I highly recommend it!

Lots of love,

Hayley xxx

Weekend Baby style summer #1

Good morning :)

We haven't taken part in the #Weekendbabystyle linky for a few weeks, with holidays and work it kind of got pushed to the back of the list, but we are now back on form! And I think we have got a beauty to start back with! 

So here Daisy is wearing a cute little outfit that is trendy yet still babyish - perect! 

Dunagrees | H&M, Burnt out T | Florence & Fred, Over sized Bow | Little_Sweethearts (Instagram)

Check out that cheeky smile! She is so funny! 

If you wish to join in with the linky, hook up here...

The Knott Bump & Us

Lotsa love, 

Hayley & Daisy xxx

Sorry for going AWOL.. Holiday abroad with baby

Well I have been a bit AWOL this past week or so and that is because we were on our hols!

I should be back in action from this week and caught up hopefully.

In the mean time, here is what we have been up to...

Lots of love,

Hayley & Daisy xxx

An everyday skincare and mummy make up regime

Please bear with me on this one, it isn't my finest hour (well 4 minutes!) but practise makes perfect (or at least a tad better anyway!!)...

Lots of love,

Hayley xxx

Sugaring, a kinder alternative to waxing?

I have talked briefly about sugaring before, perhaps in one of my favourites posts, it was when I first started out and wasn't all that specific so seeing as though I went for my sugaring done last night I thought I would bring you all up to speed on what it actually is.

Sugaring, sugar waxing or Persian waxing (I have only ever read that it can be called that in magazines, I have never heard anyone actually use that phrase before) is a method of hair removal that has been in use since, well forever. It has been around far longer than any of us anyway!

Sugaring is often compared or mixed up with standard, painful, nasty waxing. During this process, a sugaring substrate sticks to and basically removes hair without attaching to your poor old skin, unlike harsh waxing. Which you will know if you have ever had a tan or even a spray tan, waxing whips it away with the hair! OUCH! For this reason, sugaring is generally preferred over waxing when it comes to removing hair from larger areas of skin, it is far less painful. And I really can say that from experience.

Nevertheless, of course if you have sensitive skin, sugaring could give you a little skin irritation but hopefully less than other hair removal methods! Sugar itself is otherwise hypo-allergenic, so it should be minimal. It sounds like I am selling it doesn't it? I don't actually do sugaring myself, I just go and have mine done and thought I would share the love!

The sugar paste is warmed to a warm (obviously!!), pretty much room temperature and then rolled over the skin and then whipped off taking the hair with it. You can use strips like in waxing but using the sugar paste directly is less likely to break off hairs and prolong the time it takes to grow hairs back. In case you didn't gather, Waxing actually tends to break off a lot of hairs and well as ripping some out and your skin! I am not a wax hater by the way, I quite often have my brows done and was waxed a long time before I was sugared!

Next time I go, I may well film some of it to share with you (the nicer parts, if there are any!!!) so you can see! It is pretty clever!

Have you ever had any done?

Lots of love,

Hayley xxx

Image from Google Images

Born just right


I recently blogged about a lovely charity called the Luck fin project, if you missed it you can find it here.

Well there is another charity that I have been following for some time and the founders are just lovely, I often tweet them or at least read their tweets and updates on social media, they are really inspiring. And not just for limb deficiencies but in all matters of being born with a "difference".

You really should check them out. Find them here. It is pretty much a blog about their daughter Jordan but they also feature lots of other events and people from around the world.

A piece from their website is "Every child is born just right. This site is a place where parents can come to share stories, read stories and feel safe as we all learn how to be parent advocates for our kids. It’s a wild ride that is best experienced when you lean on others and get the support you need." 

I hope you find these posts interesting or useful,

Lots of love,

Hayley & Daisy xx