I know it's a cliche but I honestly can't believe it's been a month since your suprise arrival, it's flown past me so fast that it makes me feel a little sad, you aren't "new new" anymore. You've lost most of your squished up wrinkles and you are no longer that flushed pink, although you've been left with the most gorgeous olivey skin.
Your colouring seems to be just like Dada's at the moment, much darker than both me and Daisy, but I know that you'll change so much in the coming year and who knows what you'll be like by your first birthday. I really don't want to think that far ahead, I want to make the most of these days when you're a baby, Daisy's baby days whizzed me by and sometimes I struggle to remember them.
You have a lovely little temperament. As long as you're fed and clean you're pretty happy, although keeping you full can be a challenge at times you are a growing boy! You were 7lb 14oz when you were born almost 5 weeks ago and now you weigh 9lb 8oz, you're certainly stocking up and piling the ounces on! This makes me a proud muma as I have breastfed you until now so I know my magic milk seems to be doing a good job.
This past week I have given you a little top up at night in the hope you'll sleep better and it does seem to have worked, when I say top up its been just 3oz right before bed, enough to make your tiny tummy a little heavier!
You can be a bossy boy, when you want something (usually feeding!!) you really shout! It's not so much a cry, more of a really loud shout! In the night I have to tend to you sharpish incase you wake your sister, our lives wouldn't be worth living if we woke her up! That girl needs her sleep!
You've had some lovely trips already including Powis Castle, camping in a cool pod and a few parties! Not that you've seen much because when we are out and about you seem to snooze! Yet when at home you prefer to be awake as much as you can.
You were poorly last week and gave us a fright, you were so unsettled and had a horrible rash all over your body so we had a trip to A&E for a few hours, luckily it was a virus and nothing too sinister and we were sent packing with some calpol! You tinker frightening us like that!
You are now in clothes up to one month and probably should be moving into 0-3 months but after you didn't really use first size wardrobe for long I want you to wear your newborn as much as possible first! They are getting snug now though. It's crazy. Daisy was so much smaller than you and was only just coming out of tiny baby clothes at this age! You're much more of a bruiser!
You're milestone this month has been that you now smile! Only the lucky few get them but you're so beautiful when you smile, your eyes really change! It's quite early I think but you really do smile as a reaction rather than wind!
Lots of love,
Muma xxx
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