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Dear Daisy, It is your first day at school...

Daisy and her first few weeks in the world

Little Daisy is now 3 whole weeks old, how did that happen? People always say time goes quickly and they grow up too fast, but maybe it's really true! 

Daisy seems (so far) to be a content little lady, she sleeps a lot, feeds well and doesn't generally cry much! Let's hope it continues. I thought I would blog first about her first 2 weeks in the big world. 

The first week of her life was celebrated by having lots and lots of visitors, lots of cuddles and millions of pressies. She was really sleepy this first week and no doubt most of it passed her by, we ensured we took hundreds of photos so she can see when she is older and we can look back on the memories. One special moment was Daisy meeting my Nan before she sadly lost a long battle to cancer, it was very emotional but so special seeing her face light up when I walked into her room with her new little great grand daughter, a memory I will be sure to tell Daisy all about one day,Its as if she had held on to meet her and daisy had come early for that reason too. 

Other regular visitors we had those 1st 2 weeks were midwives and health visitors. Daisy was a mini 5 lb 12 when she entered the world but dropped down to 5 lb 3 in the 1st week which lead them to worry and pester us every other day. It was for baby's well being I understand but firstly they don't give you a time and it could be anytime that they arrive and secondly they do have a knack of making you feel not that great about feeding her. I thought they were all about encouragement of breastfeeding, good job my family and close friends are so supportive and full of advice to put your mind at rest and ignore the negativity. She is now 6 lb 1 and so is now storming ahead of her birth weight. I do think part of the weight loss was due to her having a bit of a traumatic arrival, leaving her a little sleepy. 

She was a little jaundice during the first few days but it is all part of being a little early and it soon cleared up thankfully. The only other real worry we have had since birth is the hearing screening that they do at home within the 2nd week. Right ear - no problem, all good, left ear - no response. The health visitor came back again a week later saying it could be birth debris or just too much background noise possibly and that a week can make all the difference. Again - no response. Although deep down I knew she could hear us (she startles with loud noises and follows your voice) it leaves you with some worry, naturally. The neonatal hearing team then came out and did an AABR test, of which came back all clear within seconds. Relief! 

The rest of the first two weeks was much nicer! We had events like Daisy's first bath - which she loves once she is actually in the water - getting undressed is not a favourite past time!! Bathing her was a learning experience and now doing it alone when Ben is at work was a little nerve wracking to start with! 

We had some lovely days out at places such as Attingham Park and Powis Castle, both National Trust property's with beautiful gardens and cafes for lunch and cake. We were lucky to have nice weather and so ensured we made the most of it, it was lovely to have our first family days out. (And finally get to use my lovely Icandy Apple!)

All  photos above are from Powis castle

Those first weeks flew by and before we knew it Ben was back at work. Its now all about trying to get into some kind of routine. I don't mean getting Daisy into a strict routine, I mean just in general for us both and the house etc. For example she sleeps until about 10 - 11am once she has been fed first thing and so instead of dozing until then I try to get up and have a shower or bath, put some washing in, have breakfast etc. Although I have snoozed a few times, why not! But I really need to make the most of at least an hour or so as then she could be awake for a few hours limiting what I can do. 

Anyway I best get some tea sorted now, 

Lots of love, 
Hayley xxx


  1. She is just so gorgeous. Sorry to hear about your nan but thrilled she got to meet daisy x

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