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The little things in life... Our Mamma Mia Wedding #2 The Big Day

Well here I am, back in a hotel room yet again on my lonesome. I lead such a glamourous life at times. Sat in my room in my pjs at 7pm eating room service in bed watching Holby City, maybe not so glamourous hey! 

So next installment here we go...

I have had some lovely feedback on my last post about getting ready for our wedding in Lindos, Rhodes. It was really enjoyable to write and to look back at the photographs when putting the post together, it brought back so many memories. I would love to re-live that day, who knows maybe one day we will go back and renew our vows! In the mean time we hope to go back there sometime soon for a holiday. 

So the big day... 

We are fairly traditional but not entirely. The night before our wedding it would often be tradition for the husband and wife to be to stay away from one another until they see each other at the alter. This wasn't for us, I knew I would feel relaxed and happy if I was to stay with Ben up until we left on the actual day to get ready for the ceremony. I didn't regret this choice at all, it was lovely to wake with him, have breakfast and then go and laze by the pool for a few hours until me and the girls went off to the Melenos to get all dolled up ready for the wedding! Sunbathing by the pool was quite surreal, sat with my rollers in, ensuring my toe nails were well painted and having giddy chats with all our family and best friends, it made it even more exciting! No stress or worries, I knew that Lindos Weddings would have it all under control and I had nothing to do but get pretty and arrive. 

We didn't get married until 4.15pm so about lunch time the girls, my mum and I went into Lindos to go to the Melenos to get ready. Lindos is the most beautiful, old town that is pedestrian only so we had to walk up the cobbled streets with rollers in, I will always remember that little walk and the girls seeing the chapel and little hotel for the 1st time! The few hours we had to get ready went so fast, it wasn't long until the photographer arrived to take a few pictures of us girls before we headed up to the chapel. The hotel was on the side of the hill just below the chapel, you had to walk past to get up to the chapel. Although we were around the back of the hotel (looking out to sea on the terrace - just perfect!) we could hear the guests arriving in convoy chatting and laughing, it sent me a bit jittery and very excited! It was only then I think that it hit me - OMG I AM GETTING  MARRIED !!! All of the guests had been taken to the town and met in the square at a little bar before all walking up to the chapel together with Ben. 

When my dad arrived at the hotel to come and get us it felt so real! Nerve wracking but I have never felt so excited!!! We had a few photos and then off we went to the chapel.

Where we were walking up it was quite hidden by all the trees but as we went up the steps (quite tricky to manoeuvre in a tight long dress!!) we could see everyone stood there, eeeek! My heart nearly jumped out of my chest! I all of a sudden felt really emotional and tears came from nowhere! We didn't have much to say really with our vows except I do and our names, the registrar spoke in Greek and then English, it all went so fast! As we were about to say "I do" out of nowhere a donkey appeared above us, next to some of our family and was eyor-ing away loudly! We couldn't stop laughing, something I will never forget. Along with the dolphins in the bay we had a few unexpected guests! 

Once we had composed ourselves we did our vows and my Grandad did a reading for us. It was just how we hoped it would be! And then... we were Mr and Mrs C! 

We had some great group photos up at the chapel and then we all went to the garden terrace at the Melenos for Pimms and the speeches. We didn't have formal, long, boring speeches where everyone has to force a laugh out instead the best men buddied up and 
did a great double act, then my dad and then Ben. All over fairly quickly and all perfect for the feeling of our day, relaxed and informal.

 We also cut our cake down here, we were having a big Meze meal so thought it best to have cake in the evening later but thought we would cut it whilst the photographer was there.  Ill put some photos here of the garden terrace and the cake etc, I will do another post of the wedding breakfast and then the dancing etc later in the week when I get chance, I am just aware these posts can become very long and probably a bit dreary if i go on, and on, and on! 

Lots of Love, 
Hayley xxx

All photographs are our own and we own the copyright at all times 

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