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Dear Daisy, It is your first day at school...

The little things in life.. Welcome to the 3rd trimester

Well here we are, the home stretch! I'm expecting this to be the worst part as this is what all the books etc lead you to think.

I am now pretty much 27 weeks pregnant so only 13 weeks to go if she can hold on that long. I'm actually feeling pretty good at the moment, miracles do happen! I just hope it lasts, I have lots to do and lots of exciting things happening in the next few weeks so I need to feel as good as possible! I've had compliments all over the place this week on how well I look, considering I've just come off the back of that nasty bug then I'll take that!! I do think the contributing factor though is that I am not like a yellow tinged ghost at the moment because I have a bit of a tan from our hols. It'll soon fade! If I don't wash so much will it stay longer?! 

My tummy hasn't stopped growing and my belly button is weirdly looking a tad squashed.. Attractive. And my back.. Well I'm sure it's only going to get worse, I can't decide if it's from the weight of my bump or my chest but it feels like I'm going to break in two sometimes!  But my skin on my tummy is lovely and smooth since my holiday, the little flashes of vitamin D it got from the sun must have done It the world of good. I'm continuing to use coconut oil and I'm always using Soap & Glory's Righteous body butter. I LOVE this product. It's in a pumpy bottle so I have it in the bathroom and can just have a pump when I'm in there and after baths etc, it's so smooth and my skin seems to love it, it just sucks it right up! 

I'm finding my organs are starting to feel a bit restricted now and when I've eaten a lot it can be quite uncomfortable, as if my dinner is sat on my lungs! It also feels sometimes like baby is up there too using them as pillows. I had the midwife earlier in the week and baby is measuring slightly ahead at this stage, I just hope it means she's had a growth spurt or she will come a week early and not that I'm cooking the biggest muffin you have ever seen! The only other complaint I am moaning about this week is leg cramps, they are back with a vengeance! Right when I am in a deep sleep I jump up off the bed with the worst pain, my legs feel as if they have rocks in them and then the next day I'm walking like a little old man because they ache.

Yesterday I spent the day with my sisters, Natasha and Amy shopping (oh and my baby niece) and having lunch, generally a nice girly day. I managed to have quite a good trip. I'm going to do a quick post on all the bits I bought later so I won't share too much here, but I'm making progress- finally!! My goodness though how expensive are babies??? 

After shopping I took the girls to BabyVision which is a private clinic where you can get various ultrasounds including 4D! We had been there before for our gender scan at 16 weeks. Our last visit was a bit of a different experience really, (I'll probably blog about this at some point) and wasn't very positive for us. Nothing to do with the place as they were brilliant but it was identified that we needed to see a consultant back at the hospital because there was concerns about one of her little hands, it just seemed what was supposed to be a positive experience turned into a bit of the unexpected. This visit was perfect! 

She looked so content and cuddled up into me, giving herself a little cuddle whilst yawning away. I now see why her movement can feel quite sharp too, her legs are so long!! No idea where she's got them from!! When she was prodded she just turned away from view and cuddled in further, camera shy and too busy sleeping.

This week I've also booked my Lazy Daisy classes, for anyone that doesn't know about them then you should look it up. It does sound a little "hippy" sometimes in write ups etc but one of my friends did them and really recommended I at least give them a try as I do feel a little anxious sometimes about getting her out in to the world. They are classes to help relaxation, good posture and position for relaxing but also labour, breathing techniques and basically about making the experience feel more comfortable and natural- or that's what I think anyway! I will let you know how it goes, but for me I think anything that helps even a teeny bit is worth every penny spent! I'd love to know if anyone else has done these classes or hypnobirthing? 

The other job on my list this week is to look at antenatal classes... The thought of these terrify me a bit! Sometimes I think I may be better off not knowing too much, but then is knowledge power?! Mmmmm no idea. 

I have had some great feedback on my blog this week, one tweet from Lord Sugar! How crazy is that? I didn't expect anyone to read it never mind someone like him! 

Well that's it for now, 

Lots of love,
Hayley xxx
(I have put links on any brands or comanies so you can find out more if you wish to)


  1. Great post. I would 100% recommend antenatal classes I thought it would be a load of crap but when the time came I knew what the midwives were going on about and put me at ease because I knew the procedures. I wrote a post about our experience if you wanted a look - http://pollyslittleworld.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/antenatal-classes-waste-of-time-or.html . Also I didn't do hypno-birthing but read a lot about pain free natural labours, just the research made a lot of difference and I did have a really positive natural labour without pain relief :-) It really is all in the mind. Feel free to message me if needed but I am going to write a post on it xxx

  2. I reckon we must be due around the same time - I'm May 4th - when's your due date? I've also just fiunished a set of Lazy Daisy classes - will be writing my review very soon. Hope you enjoyed them, as I've absolutely loved mine. Was sceptical at first as they did seem a bit hippyish and some of the things you have to repeat are quite funny...but I've booked another set so definitely a convert!
